
Hello Everyone!!!

A big welcome to my blog. I am a self confessed foodie,but my real passion lies in discovering and creating new recipes, cooking tips and ideas to make food taste better.

Homemade Masala Puri Bangalore Style Recipe

Homemade Masala Puri Bangalore Style Recipe

Course : Snack

Cuisine: Indian

Servings: 4-5 pax

Soaking Time: 4-5 hours

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time : 30 minutes

Making Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 50 minutes


  • 250 gms dried green peas / green vatana

  • 25 nos pani puri

For Masala :

  • 2 onions sliced

  • 4 nos roughly chopped tomatoes

  • 4 garlic pods

  • 2 roughly chopped green chillies

  • 1/4 cup coriander leaves

  • 1/4 cup pudina/mint leaves

  • 1 tsp turmeric powder

  • 1/2 tbsp chilli powder

  • 2 tsp coriander powder

  • salt as per taste

For Garnishing :

  • 1 finely chopped onion

  • some sweet & sour chutney

  • some chopped coriander leaves

  • some sev

  • chaat masala


  1. Clean, wash and soak the dried peas in some water for 4-5 hours or overnight. Drain all the water after the soaking time and pressure cooker it with 1 tsp salt on medium flame for 5-6 whistles or till the peas are well cooked.

  2. Once the pressure is released open the cooker and keep the peas aside for future use.

  3. To prepare the masala heat a kadai with 1 tbsp oil then add the sliced onions and cook till translucent then add the garlic, green chillies and tomatoes. Cover and cook till mushy. Allow it to cool then add it in a grinder jar along with the coriander and pudina leaves and grind to form a fine paste.

  4. Again heat 2 tbsp oil in the same kadia then add the ground paste along with turmeric, chilli, coriander powders and salt and cook on low flame till drops of oil are seen on the sides. Then add 2 cups water and take a boil. Keep the masala aside.

  5. Take a serving plate crush around 5-6 puris in it then add the boiled dried peas all over them. Pour some cooked masala on it then sprinkle some sweet chutney ,chaat masala, chopped onion and coriander leaves over it. Lastly garnish with some sev.

Enjoy this yummy masala puri which is a famous street style food of Bangalore.

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