
Hello Everyone!!!

A big welcome to my blog. I am a self confessed foodie,but my real passion lies in discovering and creating new recipes, cooking tips and ideas to make food taste better.

Homemade Kashmiri Dum Aloo Recipe

Homemade Kashmiri Dum Aloo Recipe


  • 1 kg baby potatoes

  • 3-4 chopped green chillies

  • 5-6 cloves

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • 2 green cardamons

  • 1/4 tsp asefodita

  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds

  • 1+1/2 tbsp chilli powder

  • 1 tbsp ginger powder

  • 4-5 tbsp fennel seeds roughly grinded

  • salt as per taste

  • some chopped corainder leaves for garnishing

  • oil for shallow frying

Chhayas food kashmiri dum aloo - ingredients


  1. Wash the potatoes nicely then take a pressure cooker with some water and one teaspoon salt and boil them upto 1-2 whistles.

  2. Remove from the cooker and peel all the potatoes.With a toothpick prick all around the potato one by one making sure that the toothpick comes out from the other end.

  3. In a heavy bottom vessel heat some oil and shallow fry all the potatoes in small batches till all of them are shallow fried.

  4. Once cooled again prick the potatoes with the toothpick so that all the spices go right inside the potatoes.

  5. Add some water and make a paste of the chilli powder so it does not burn when added to the oil, keep aside.

  6. In a pan heat about 1/4 cup mustard oil or ghee or any other oil, then add the asefodita cumin seeds when it splutters add the cloves, cinnamon stick and cardamons. Then add the chilli paste saute for a minute on low flame, to it add the fennel seeds ,ginger powder and green chillies.Saute for a minute or two then add the fried potatoes.Add 2 cups water and salt cover and cook for 4-5 minutes stirring at intervals.When oil separates out remove from flame and garnish with corainder leaves.

Serve this yummy Kashmiri Dum Aloo with chapatis, parathas, puris , kulcha or naan.

Chhayas food kashmiri dum aloo - aloo fried
Chhayas food kashmiri dum aloo - ready
Chhayas food kashmiri dum aloo - ready to eat
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